Tanker Spray
Spray Options for Small,
Medium and Large Tankers.

Tanker Spray Washers
Spray Options for Small, Medium and Large Tankers
Whether you are transporting bulk dairy, juice, or other food grade liquid, ensuring your transportation method is clean and sanitary is critical to your business and the community’s health.
Sani-Matic provides drop-in style tanker spray washers for tanks in two styles, the TS-4 static spray washer (good for tanks up to 44′ in length) and TS-5 jet spray washer (good for tanks up to 50′ or even longer), are capable of cleaning a variety of soils.
Both styles offer complete spray coverage — top to bottom — while providing savings through reduced wash times and chemical use.
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Solutions We Provide
TS-4 Spray Washer

Reduce wash time & use less chemicals.
Ideal for small to medium tankers.
Thoroughly clean tankers up to 44ft in length.
TS-5 Spray Washer

High-impact cleaning for hard-to-clean soils.
Ideal for large tankers, 50ft or longer.
Uses less water & chemical than competitors.