The Sani-Matic Stick Washer is a safe,
reliable way to wash all styles of product
sticks or skewers used for producing smoked
or dried sausage, meats, fish or cheese.

Stick Washers
The Sani-Matic Stick Washer is a safe, reliable way to wash all styles of product sticks or skewers used for producing smoked or dried sausage, meats, fish, or cheese.
The washer’s mechanical action is created by a conveyor design that quietly tumbles the sticks while submerged in cleaning solution.
The washer allows for the temperature and chemical strength of the cleaning solutions to be automatically controlled to optimize conditions for fast and reliable cleaning.
The Stick Washer offers many advantages, such as:
Repeatable Results. Consistent, repeatable results from a controlled process.
Improved Cleaning. Improves cleaning with automated tumbling action and detergent agitation.
Save Chemicals. Allows for higher temperatures and stronger concentrations while minimizing worker exposure.
Improve Worker Safety. Simple, fast, and ergonomic loading and unloading.
Save Labor. Reduces labor costs, minimizes chemical usage, and lowers water and utility costs.
Reduce Floorspace and Inventory. Lower space requirements than numerous soaking tanks and bins.
Save Time. Faster turn-around for production – up to 1,000 sticks or skewers cleaned per hour (estimated – depending on system design and process conditions).
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Product Resources
Product Details
Standard Features
○ Box strainer for pump protection
○ Angle-Line strainer for jet manifold protection
○ Detergent Section
○ Rinse Section
○ Estimated 5 – 10 minute cycle times (85 sticks / cycle)
○ 304ss construction
○ Sanitary centrifugal supply pump, sanitary tubing, butterfly valves
○ Control Panel with PLC controls and HMI operator interface screen
○ Direct steam injection heating & automatic control
○ Automatic level control
○ Box strainer for pump protection
○ Angle-Line strainer for jet manifold protection
How it Works

A loading gate permits the operator to pre-load the next batch while the previous batch is being cleaned.

Stick Washer Diagram of Operation

Ergonomic Loading and Unloading

Easy to Operate
Custom Options
○ Conductivity control of detergent chemical
○ Chemical pump assemblies
○ Sanitizer Injection
○ 316Lss construction

Automated Electronic CIP/COP
Data Recording, OEE, & More