Devices &
Finding the Right Spray Solution
for Your Process

Spray Devices & Supply Tubes
Finding the Right Spray Solution for Your Process
A sanitary cleaning process is critical to manufacturing a safe product. That is why choosing the right spray device for your process is essential.
Sani-Matic experts evaluate applications and soils, from water-soluble to hard-to-clean, to determine whether a static spray ball, rotary, or jet spray device will best target equipment or process vessel soils. The team will design and manufacture static spray devices in our Wisconsin manufacturing center with the appropriate flows, pressures, and spray patterns to ensure efficient and dependable cleaning. If rotary or jet spray impingement solutions are required, we offer high-quality, German-manufactured products from AWH, Armaturenwerk Hötensleben GmbH, a member of NEUMO-Ehrenberg Group.
Select spray devices are designed and authorized to the 78-03 (Spray Cleaning Devices Intended to Remain in Place) 3-A standard. When considering a strainer that requires 3-A authorization, contact a Sani-Matic Representative.
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Solutions We Provide
Static Spray Devices

Clean by solution cascading action.
Ideal for high flow with low pressure.
Stock & custom static spray devices available.
Rotary Spray Devices

Provides faster wetting & water savings.
Improved cleaning impact for heavier soils.
Several types of rotary spray devices available.
Jet Spray

Powerful jet sprays for the toughest soils.
Full coverage typically in 5-8 minutes.
Optional proof of rotation sensor available.
Supply Tubes

Ensure your spray device is properly located.
Standard supply tubes are 3-A authorized.
Custom-designed supply tubes available.